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Yourder is a fully live and interactive dining smartphone application and a fully equipped dashboard of tools for B2B operations.

Check into your table together with your friends and family and eat out like you never have before. Order right from your phone without having to wait for your waiter. If you don't want your whole plate to yourself then easily send those around you a split request. Ready to go? Pay instantly and leave whenever you like.

Home page where users can select restaurants.

Interactive Menu where users can order food.

Payment page with full receipt of dining session with options to pay for a tip, friend and input a promo code.

Wallet page where users can edit payment options.

We built a CRM system for our restaurant clients to allow them to manage their content. The dashboard featured menu management, employee manager, customer analytics, and social network and review hub. I conceptualized a modular design so we may always easily add new features for our clients to optimize their experience.

Personas help to build out a user journey and address the needs of all target users.

Once I have a user flow that addresses every single need our “personas” have then wire framing and low fidelity prototyping can begin.

Wireframes ensure that each page has a purpose, achieves the goals set out in the client brief and define a logical navigation for the app or  website.

The Final Result

I led a team of designers in designing the front end and the user experience of the application. There I partnered with the software development team to oversee the production of the application and all new versions that followed. I conceptualized original ideas that brought simplicity and user friendliness to complex design roadblocks.

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